My Diary    (I'll try to update this each week, usually on a Tuesday)   or 
 Phone: (00...)- 86-758-2903261  - best time to phone: 8am -9am (Zhaoqing time, same as HK)
Mail address: Canadian-American School, Zhaoqing, Guandong. 526040. China
 School Website:       Map/location of Zhaoqing in China  
FAQ  for people interested in teaching at CAS
     Poverty Map   


Michael Moore

Fair Trade




George Monbiot


Middle East

Media Watch

Tuesday,  August 31, 2004: Dear Friends

Good afternoon from Zhaoqing. I arrived back last Thursday, Francis last Saturday (after finishing Mandarin course in HK).  Unlike the past three years, start of school in China will not be September 1 this year (as in HK) it will be.....yesterday!  Haven't had time to find out why.  Five CAS classes yesterday, three this morning, one more this afternoon.....just have time to come up for air

CAS now has some 1,300 students, up several hundred from this time last year. Have heard that eventual target is 1,800!  Place is like a bee hive....teachers' eventual target is to get students to bee have

New overseas staff settling in well after initial shock of missing honey in units/phones/tv's/internet. Jo and husband Trevor, Gary and Liam have all taught in China before so are used to being stung occasionally. Paul on his first mission to nectarland.  Jo, Trevor, Gary, Paul and I are from Australia, Francis from Sri Lanka, and Liam from UK.  Jo is in kindergarten. Francis, Gary and Paul are in Primary. Trevor has Go Abroads. Liam and I are in secondary.  

Liam had shock experience this morning in a Junior 2 class.  One Chinese boy is from UK, born there, lived there 12 years, has same accent and buzz as Liam!   Is here to learn Mandarin

HK Rosa is due to return to HK on Sep 4, before going with her sister Cecilia for visit to their father in Portugal.  Will be a good break for Rosa after the past few months of intensive work in stifling weather for the area's poor people.  Yesterday Rosa went to Guangzhou to see Joe who now has two arms and two legs thanks to kind friends in HK

After CAS staff meetings last Friday and Saturday, I really enjoyed tour of poor areas late Saturday and Sunday.  Some old faces have gone, some new ones have come...including at least one new baby. Our little Matteo Ricci School has kept running right through the Summer: thank you Cherry (main teacher), local Rosa (secretary and part-time teacher) and Fanny (due to finish this week before resuming her higher studies).  HK Florence due this Thursday to take Fanny's place & to cover some of HK Rosa's work. Joe's father due to finish today as security man and cleaner, his place being taken by local handicapped couple

Lots of rain here past four days - associated with recent typhoon in HK.  Lovely is very dry....and rain brings down the temperature

Sudan update from  NCR - if only someone would do a bit more before another Rawanda ...

Gurdian article on impact of Movie F9/11.  See also M.Moore link at top of this page for latest re Republican Convention, where MM is a daily participator (as newspaper correspondent!)


2004-09-02 HK Florence due for work in MR School + help with I.P.A. at CAS
2004-09-05 HK Rosa C due to go to HK/Portugal
2004-09-14 HK Rosa H (!) due for work at MR School + other help to poor
(I collect Rosas)


Course for local English teachers - in Xinqiao

2004-10  (c.2-c.15)

Visit to CAS by David & Donna  (Perth)


Start of new semester
- new overseas staff: Maureen, Ray

First up classes this week are about the Olympics.  China very very happy - and deservedly so.
Anyone like a bet that China won't win the medals' race in Beijing in 2008?

Must bee off. Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

If you email me  and do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send message again (using alternative address:  or Your message / my reply may not have got through. ...and when  you send a message, please use a distinctive "subject" like "CAS" to make your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you

If China8  is "down",  this diary will temporarily be at our school address....please make a note of it:  >> John's Diary


Aug 24

Aug 31

hits past 7 days

hits per day
















Wednesday,  August 25, 2004: Dear Friends

Hello from Notre Dame College in Hong Kong.  Arrived here Sat night from Australia (after lovely flight on brand new Qantas Airbus 330)......had two ND Sunday morning Masses. Many thanks to ND parishioners for (unsollicited) donations for our work among the poor in Zhaoqing

Also here since Sat is Australian OMI Provincial Fr Vin Ryan from Melbourne.....on way to 6-yearly General Chapter (due to start Aug 31). Joined Vin on Sunday afternoon for walking/shopping/movie ("The Bourne Supremacy" - most popular movie in HK this week....non-stop action...has everyone on edge of seat for 2 hours)

Francis has been here since school finished at CAS - helping with Masses on Lantau and at at end of a far-from-easy Mandarin course! Han Hao!

Yesterday, Aug 24: OMI Primary School gathering (+ thank you & goodbye Primary housekeeper, Minda, due to return to Philippines soon)

On Monday  I attended a lunch for  new AITECE teachers, about to head into China.  AITECE always happy to hear from qualified teachers who'd like a wonderful experience

Something wrong with ND scales:  July 19 = 72kg;  Aug 23 = 76kg!?

Last Wed on the Gold Coast I had happy re-union with former CAS teachers Pam & Bruce

Last Friday - a few tears, more than a few, as I took Mum for one last walk in her wheelchair and said goodbye for another year, always remembering reply famous conversation with  Fr Pat Moroney some ten years ago:
JW: hard to say goodbye to Mum, might be the last time I see her on this earth.
Pat: Why?  Aren't you feeling well?!!!

Gold Medal to my dear brother Peter and wife Yvonne and family for hospitality over the past month. Hope I can repay you in this part of the world some day DV

Olympic Games getting huge coverage in China. My two horses, China & Australia, have done very well thank you.  Now for Beijing in 2008....

* Thank you HK teachers for photos of your visit to poor areas of Zhaoqing July 31 to Aug 5

* Thank you Gerard for using Photoshop8 to transform Wynnum photo of Aug 7



I'm due to return to Zhaoqing August 26, Francis returning on 28th (after Mandarin course finishes)


Start of new school year 
- overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Paul, Trevor


Course for local English teachers - in Xinqiao

2004-10  (c.5-c.15)

Visit to CAS by David & Donna  (Perth)


Start of new semester
- new overseas staff: Maureen, Ray

Now back to Olympic Games in Zhaoqing .......Thank you for a prayer!

God bless

John W omi

Tuesday,  August 17, 2004: Dear Friends

Good morning from Gold Coast for final time of this holiday. I'm due to fly from Brisbane to Hong Kong this Saturday, August 21 (then go from HK to Zhaoqing on Aug 26).  
Has been a restful holiday - thank you Pete & Yve for hospitality.  Have enjoyed time for reading, walking....and for taking dear Mum for daily walk. Not to mention Olympic Games on TV - my horses are coming one and two in medal total so far - China & Australia!!

Last Saturday had get-together with next semester new CAS teacher Paul, his wife Lynn + CAS Australia Tour friend, Margaret.  Paul due to fly from Brisbane to Guangzhou, via Vietnam, on Aug 26. 
Wish all returning students/staff - safe travelling!

Yesterday I had a walk along beach, from Main Beach to Surfers. On beach at Surfers I said hello to four friendly  men from China. One is vice-president of The Communist Party in Xioyi City in Shanxi Province!

Last nights ABC "Media Watch" showed how Brisbane "Sunday Mail" and Adelaide "Advertiser" both recently had "terror" stories (as part of Murdoch press let's-keep-everybody-scared campaign) that were false. SM story was in fact run in USA back in June and shown then to be a lie - how one woman completely misjudged a group of Middle East men on a plane trip. As Media Watch summed it up, Murdoch press policy is "doesn't matter if they're true or false, just let the terror stories roll"

Over the past few weeks I have phoned HK Rosa several times (so cheap from Australia, only a few cents per minute) and Rosa has said that her list of sick people continues to does little building being constructed for use as community centre by families in "B1" at base of mountain

Have finished reading several holiday books:

***** "Fred Hollows" by Peter Corris. Inspiring. As Judith Wright says on back cover: "A story to lift the spirits and to demonstrate that with energy, skill, dedication and a fine disregard for hypocrisy and convention, it is possible to change the world"

Loads of info re Fred on internet:
And if you have tissue ready for a few tears, try this description of Fred's funeral at St. Mary's cathedral in Sydney in February 1993. One of the most beautiful funeral reports I've ever read

***** Also finished "The Age of Consent" by Guardian writer George Monbiot.  At the end of the book George says "do something!".  My something

*** "Questions of Life" by Nicky Gumbel.  The Alpha course in book form, a course completed by more than two million people in recent years

*** "The Messenger" and  **"Trinity" by Joseph Girzone.  Latest books in "Joshua" series. 

A recent discovery - -  click "Media" for lots of background info about current news and issues. A great site

Over past few weeks I've heard many people expressing concern about dropping standard of decency on Australian TV (programs/advertisments/the lot).  Several people asked "what can we do about this new show on Channel 7 "Playing it Straight"?  One course of effective action: write to the program's advertisers and tell them you'll not be buying their products.....and you'll be advising others to support the boycott. Must admit I was saddened to see a promotion for "PIS" advertised at 7.40pm during Olympic Games coverage on Channel 7.  Where are the community groups & churches making their voices heard? 
Quick check on Google shows that PIS is a copy of US program, from a sad stable (which  an Australian church site warned against some months ago)

trong Words 01: Michael Moore’s critics are liars  I'm taking my F9/11 ticket back to China to show the students and staff

Strong Words 02: Sydney Morning Herald – Murdoch’s war on truth in war reporting



I'm due to return to HK from Australia (...8am & 9am Mass at Notre Dame, Sunday Aug 22...) then  due to go to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year 
- overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Paul, Trevor


Course for local English teachers - in Xinqiao

2004-10  (c.5-c.15)

Visit to CAS by David & Donna  (Perth)


Start of new semester
- new overseas staff: Maureen, Ray

End of holiday resolution: however many days/weeks/months/years I have left, may I do a little bit more for the poor people of this world.   Thank you for  a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Tuesday,  August 10, 2004: Dear Friends

Hello again from the Gold Coast in Australia.  Olympic Games just around the corner. May there be a truce in all wars during the Olympics (as JPII requested some 3 years ago).  

Last Monday, August 2: annual check up with skin specialist. All clear (+ all clear from ordinary GP's check up re blood etc the previous week). DG!
Monday night: first re-union for many years for Iona College 1964 seniors Bill, Pat & I......then on Tuesday morning Aug 3, kindly invited by Fr Peter to attend school assembly. Photos. Thank you Peter, Paul & Lewy for hospitality at Iona (on Aug 2 & Aug 6)

Tuesday midday - in Brisbane - bought latest Joshua books: "The Messenger" and "Trinity" + DVD of movie "Joshua" based on the first book in the series by Joseph Girzone.  At two second hand bookstores on the Gold Coast was also able to pick up some copies of Girzone's "The Shepherd" (now out of print).  Hope you have a chance to read some of these wonderful books

Tuesday afternoon - at Bond University on the Gold Coast - met former CAS teacher Josie and new CAS teacher Paul.  Hoping to see them again this Saturday, Aug 14, with camera

Friday Aug 6, back to Brisbane for Villanova College re-union. I went to Villanova for Grades 4 & 5 in 1956, 1957 - then to Iona when it opened in 1958.   Nostalgic tour of Villanova brought back many happy memories

Saturday Aug 7: Morning visit to Fr Jim C, Coon T, Brian B & Paul M at Nazareth House, before  lunch at Wynnum foreshore, with former CAS teachers Aron (+ Annie & Alister), Gerard and Marilyn + Feburary 2005 teachers Maureen & Ray + friends Brian & Gayle

+ More photos of visit to Zhaoqing by Hong Kong Lantau parish group - thank you Si Chun!

+ Phoned Bro Scho recently....he's on holidays in Mackay. Passed on messages to him from several former students in HK.  So many students from Notre Dame English Club have really gone on with their English: Anita, Eugene, Rosie, Scuby, Tracey.....

+ Heard that some 800 people attended special screening of "Fahrenheit 9/11" in Brisbane City Hall last Monday night.  No mention in next day's "Courier Mail".  Lots of new info on Michael Moore's website about influence of this movie in USA.   Saw on ABC's "Media Watch" last night that daily business page cartoon in Rupert Murdoch's "Australian" is due to include pieces on "Outfoxed" from this Thursday, unless censored

+ Guardian of August 2 had article re oil being a factor influencing Western nations to "help" Sudan.  (Put "altruism+sudan" in Guardian's search engine)

+ TV documentary showed how oil also is behind USA/UK involvement in Georgia (big oil and military contracts) ....causing present tense situation between Georgia and Russia

+ Australia & USA about to sign FTA - Free Trade Agreement ....or.....Free Takeover Agreement.
Standby for many Australian businesses to be taken over

+ Above statement prompted by further reading of George Monbiot's "The Age of Consent"
Sample ( to make easy money...)

In the 1980s the IMF began to destabilize some of the most successful economies in the developing world:...Thailand, South Korea, The Philippines and Indonesia.....

p.145: The IMF....effectively forced those nations to drop their restrictions on the movements of capital....
"I believe that capital account liberalization was the single most important factor leading to the crisis..."

p. 146: The result .....was that their liberalized currencies began to be attacked by financial speculators. In 1997 they swooped on the the region's most vulnerable currency, the Thai baht. They made their money by means of a simple speculative game. You borrow a huge quantity of baht from a Thai bank, while the currency is valuable. You convert the baht into dollars. If you do so suddenly enough and in sufficient quantity, the value of the currency collapses. Baht.....are now much cheaper than they were before. You then pay off the loan with some of your dollars and pocket the difference. This is the business of some of the most admired "investors" in the Western world.

Grace before meals - addressed to JC - has a good effect on eating and speaking habits at meals!
Unseen Guest at every meal
You who multiplied loaves and fish;
May our hearts your presence feel
As we pray you bless each dish



I'm on Gold Coast,  Australia. 
Gathering on Gold Coast = 11.30am, Saturday Aug 14, McDonald's at Australia Fair, Southport 
Everyone interested in China most welcome at all gatherings!

2004-07-31 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (...8am & 9am Mass at Notre Dame, Sunday Aug 22...) then Francis & I due to go to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year 
- overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Paul, Trevor


Course for local English teachers - in Xinqiao

2004-10  (c.5-c.15)

Visit to CAS by David & Donna F (Perth)


Start of new semester
- new overseas staff: Maureen, Ray

Am continuing to take dear Mum for walk in wheel chair each day. Have missed only a few days so far - when in Sydney and Brisbdane. Very peaceful here at my dear brother Pete's home - like a retreat in many ways. Lovely walk in local park each morning

Thank you for  a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Monday,  August 2, 2004: Dear Friends

Sunny good morning from Gold Coast.  Mildest/warmest Winter I've ever known in this part of the world.
24-26 degrees during day.  12-15 at night.  Last few days too hot to take dear Mum for walk.....niece Louisa kindly let me use her car to take Mum for little drive each day.

Last Tuesday/Wed/Thursday was in Sydney for meetings. Thank you Garth and Jane for meal at China Town; thank you Sefton OMI's Donal, Paul and Bill for your hospitality; thank you Kath and Pauline for visit.

Photos of visit to Zhaoqing July 13-16 by Hong Kong teachers now on www.  Thank you Anita for photos!
Thank you Irek and Hong Kong Lantau group for your visit to Zhaoqing last week. And....every good wish Josephine and your HK group in Zhaoqing this week. Thank you HK Rosa for co-ordinating so many activities while at same time helping so many sick people in your usual work

Over the past 2 weeks I have phoned China several times. Only AUD$0.20 per minute! Using a Go Talk card. Ten times cheaper to phone a mobile in China (20 cents per minute) than to phone a mobile in Australia ($2 per minute)!

Last Friday night I had enjoyable meal with dear old friend John Halloran (who spent 4 years teaching English in China). After meal we saw Michael Moore's new movie "Fahrenheit 9/11".  
* May I live to see Bush and Rumsfield behind bars - for causing deaths of  more than 10,000 Iraqis + deaths of more than 900 US service men and women + injuries/maiming of many thousands of civilians and soldiers......not to mention blatant awarding of war contracts (in Iraq and Afghanistan) to their own companies
* As Bob Brown (Australian politician) said in "Australian" newspaper on July 29: Bush is spending US$60 billion per year on this war.....that money could have set up a whole new Marshall Plan for the poor parts of the world (....which in turn would have removed the breeding ground for terrorism...)
* I recommend F9/11 in the highest terms.....should be seen by everyone over 15

In same vein, have been reading a new book by George Monbiot: "The Age of Consent" - now in all bookshops.  Really, really excellent treatment of Globalization.  Some quotes  

If you're into conspiracy theories, try "Murdoch+9/11" in Google...

Also for Google: check Amnes. Internatl's site re Sudan.  God bless President Chirac and his French troops in next door Chad trying to help the Sudanese refugees



I'm on Gold Coast,  Australia. 
Gathering in Brisbane = noon, Saturday August 7, next to swimming pool on beach at Wynnum Central...b.y.o
Gathering on Gold Coast = 11.30am, Saturday Aug 14, McDonald's at Australia Fair, Southport 
Everyone interested in China most welcome at all gatherings!

2004-07-31 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (...8am & 9am Mass at Notre Dame, Sunday Aug 22...) then Francis & I due to go to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year 
- overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Paul, Trevor


Course for local English teachers - in Xinqiao

2004-10  (c.5-c.15)

Visit to CAS by David & Donna F (Perth)

Thank you for  a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Monday,  July 26, 2004: Dear Friends

Good morning again from the Gold Coast in Australia. I'm due to go to Sydney tomorrow for two nights, due back here Thursday a  day early this week

Have enjoyed first week of quiet and peaceful at my brother Peter's home.....wake each day to sound of crows/magpies/kookaburras. Morning reading/walk....then afternoon visit to Mum at her nursing home, take her for walk in her wheel chair.  Her 93 year old mind is still sharp, but body gradually getting weaker.  By the time I walk back to Pete's home it's time for meal.  Walking about 10km a day. Had game of Scrabble with Pete & Yve the other first game for many years

Have watched some interesting programs on TV:
* Dateline from SBS - July 21 re Russian racism (text in link....very disturbing). 
*"The Cutting Edge" from ABC re George Bush's Saudi Arabian connections
* "Focus" from ABC (yesterday morning...interviewed Chinese ambassador to Australia Madam Fu Ying who spoke such good English in a really friendly manner)
* "Songs of Praise" (11.30am yesterday morning, from BBC, a beautiful program) 

+ Sent donation per internet to Red Cross for Sudan.  Hope United Nations will take action to prevent genocide. Today's Guardian has excellent summary of very complicated situation there

One news report....Mr Bush said re 9/11 report: "We were attacked for what we believe in".
What he should have said: "One of the main reasons we were attacked was our unfair, biased, unjust Middle East policy"

Another news report: Following decision of World Court condemning Israel's construction of wall, United Nations has passed resolution calling on Israel to stop construction. One hundred and fifty three countries supported resolution, only six against. One of the six was Australia . Strange choice of words on SBS news: "Australia has come to Israel's aid at UN"   = "Australia has come to aid of someone doing something wrong and unjust by international law".  Commented one university professor: Australia is just blindly following USA....and....placing itself outside/above international law

On happier note:  Thank you Joanna and Louise for photos of your work for the poor in Zhaoiqng

Am enjoying good two books: Autobiography of famous eye doctor Fed Hollows who died in 1993, and international bestseller "Questions of Life" by Nicky Gumbel

Also looking forward to seeing Micheal Moore's F9/11 due to be released here July 29.  MM's website continues to be updated each day with fascinating articles re political situation in USA.  Someone has said that if George Bush gets back, his people - with help of Murdoch media and military/business friends - will keep on reducing real democracy in USA......shades of what Hitler did in Germany....hard to believe is happening in our day.  Same forces at work in Australia.....  Murdoch's media monopoly has unhealthy links with present federal government......yet  very few people here aware of / concerned about what is happening. Whatever their defects, may John Kerry and Mark Latham succeed at coming elections.



I'm on Gold Coast,  Australia. Due to be in Sydney July 27-29.
Gathering in Sydney =  6.00pm, Tuesday, July 27 at Hungry Jack's in Central Station main building (where long distance trains depart)
Gathering in Brisbane = noon, Saturday August 7, next to swimming pool on beach at Wynnum Central...b.y.o
Gathering on Gold Coast = 11.30am, Saturday Aug 14, McDonald's at Australia Fair, Southport 
Everyone interested in China most welcome at all gatherings!


HK Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)

2004-07-31 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (...8am & 9am Mass at Notre Dame, Sunday Aug 22...) then Francis & I due to go to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year 
- overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Paul, Trevor


Course for local English teachers - in Xinqiao

2004-10  (c.5-c.15)

Visit to CAS by David & Donna F (Perth)

Thank you for  a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Wednesday,  July 21, 2004: Dear Friends

Good morning from Gold Coast, one hour south of Brisbane in Australia. Fine and cool and sunny here - best weather in the world. Arrived here yesterday morning after 8 hour overnight flight from Hong Kong. Enjoyed taking dear (93 year old) Mum for walk in her wheelchair yesterday afternoon....then lovely meal at home last night with brother Peter, sister-in-law Yvonne, nephew Paul (have lost count of his Australian and world title medals for life saving) + newly married nieces Natalie & husband Dan and Louisa & husband John.

New experience yesterday afternoon while walking home from Mum's nursing home: was thinking "I'm too tired to walk, better catch a bus".....when two young boys (aged about 12-14) rode their bikes past me on the footpath. As they passed me, one of them spat on me. Tiredness was instantly replaced by Olympic sprint ...couldn't quite catch them.....but they came back to taunt their victim from other side of road....and the old man's second sprint caused one of them to abandon his bike and flee. Thought of phoning police while kid followed me and accused me of stealing his bike.....eventually left bike and hoped the scare might stop them from spitting at people again. Looked up Matthew 26.67 last has a great deal more meaning for me. ......Have never even heard of such a thing in Hong Kong or China....what is Australia coming to? 

This incident was preceded by another about 20 minutes earlier on same walk: three boys in school uniform (aged about 14-15) with three large sticks/poles chopping and smashing footpath and garden trees as they walked along. Called out to them to stop which they did....but then they went up side street, continuing to slash...

More normal events from the past week:

* Last Tuesday, July 12: HK teachers Joanna and Louise continued their work for the poor in Zhaoqing - running classes for poor children and visiting homes.  Joanna due to return to HK  July 17, Louise today. Many thanks to both of you for your kindness and time in Zhaoqing

* Last Wednesday: visit to Zhaoqing poor areas by 16 HK teachers and secondary students. Due to return to HK on July 16, but had to stay till 17th since  no boat on 16th because of typhoon "Kompasu" in HK!  Many thanks to you all.  Please email me some photos and I'll put on www.  Thanks also to HK Rosa who co-ordinated both groups. And...Rosa has advisded me that Joe in Guangzhou has the following number:
86(China)-20(Guangzhou)-83861244.....Joe now being fitted with one more leg and one more arm....then hoping to attend technical school from September....all thanks to HK benefactors

* Last week in HK I attended several OMI and other meetings....and enjoyed Masses at Notre Dame in Kowloon + Masses at Mui Wo and Peng Chau.  Many thanks to kind friends who spontaneously made donations to help the poor in Zhaoqing.  Have said three special Masses for you and your families.

* Last Sunday a busy day: Francis & I left Notre Dame at 6.45 am....bus to Star Ferry, boat to Mui Wo....I said 9am Chinese Mass....Francis the 11am English Mass.....after Chinese Mass I took bus to Shek Pik prison (my pass still works!) and had happiness of meeting some old friends that I hadn't seen for three years.  Then bus back to Mui Wo.....ferry to Peng Chau for 4pm Mass....then ferry to Discovery Bay + bus to Tung Chung, for OMI meeting/meal.....then bus to Notre Dame.   A long but happy day....

* At Mui Wo met up with many old friends, including pioneer CAS teachers Peter & Ling who are now on another frontier! Hope HK friends can support this business since it supports development work in China

* Also at Mui Wo ....between Shek Pik bus and Peng Chau ferry: briefly attended meeting where Irek, DB Francis, Lilian, Juliana, Melba and some dozen secondary students were preparing for visit to Zhaoqing to work with the poor July 26-30.  Wishing you a safe and happy time! Please email me some photos for www

* Last Monday: went to HK airport to meet old confrere Pat O'Reilly and take him to Notre Dame....before heading back to airport in late evening.  Pat on way to Ireland for holiday. We worked together in Moe in 1981-82

+ Thank you Debbie in HK for putting article in Ming Pao about our work for the poor in Zhaoqing

+ Most days I keep checking website of Michael Moore for updates re F9/11.  Engrossing. Hoping to see F9/11 in Australia.  

+ MM's site has details about another documentary - "Outfoxed", re Rupert Murdoch's war on journalism and the bias of his media empire.  See review in Guardian

+ UK's Micheal Moore is one George Monbiot (like Moore a bit outlandish at times, but also like Moore, says what others won't say). His weekly comment in Guardian usually excellent. e.g.  "Our (press) lies led us into war"

+ Surprise, surprise....yesterday's (July 20) Brisbane "Courier Mail", owned by Rupert M, has two anti-F9/11 letters to the editor (...two anti, non for...). Writes one: "Moore's film is nothing more than a cynical, one-sided, conspiracy-nut, propaganda flick, designed to influence large numbers of people who know nothing and believe anything as longs as it fits their anti-American prejudices".  
My comment:  after the movie large numbers of people (make that millions of ordinary Americans) now know everything .... and believe nothing that comes from the Bush/Murdoch camp



I'm on Gold Coast,  Australia. Due to be in Sydney July 27-29.
Gathering in Sydney =  6.00pm, Tuesday, July 27 at Hungry Jack's in Central Station main building (where long distance trains depart)
Gathering in Brisbane = noon, Saturday August 7, next to swimming pool on beach at Wynnum Central...b.y.o
Gathering on Gold Coast = 11.30am, Saturday Aug 14, McDonald's at Australia Fair, Southport 
Everyone interested in China most welcome at all gatherings!


HK Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)

2004-07-31 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (...8am & 9am Mass at Notre Dame, Sunday Aug 22...) then Francis & I due to go to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year 
- overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Paul, Trevor


Course for local English teachers - in Xinqiao

2004-10  (c.5-c.15)

Visit to CAS by David & Donna F (Perth)

Put my washing out at 8.30am....lovely Winter sun + breeze....clothes will be dry at lunch time = normal fact here on Gold Coast

Thank you for  a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Tuesday, July 13, 2004: Dear Friends

Good morning from Notre Dame in Hong Kong (852)27157263 where Francis and I arrived last night after bus trip (+ Florence) from bus all way to HK only Y140, as against Y190 for boat, Y258 for train. Also a cheaper way still: bus from Zhaoqing to Shenzhen (Y70 from Zhaoqing main bus station), then train from HK border (c. HK$30). Zhaoqing only 4 or 5 hours from HK, yet in some ways a world away as regards the situation of the poor there.  End of classes at CAS gave more time for work with the poor

Last Tuesday: renovations at Joe's to accommodate growing numbers (nearly 50 now) at our little "Matteo Ricci School" for school-less children which is continuing right through Summer holidays (...parents request...), Monday to Friday, 9-11.30, + 2.30-5.00.
Same day: special help for hungry family in Area no. 4 now 15 days old, born at home, father out of work, two older children at "Matteo Ricci" ("M.R")

Wednesday/Thursday: school renovations + visits to poor areas

Friday: Happy English class at "M.R" with CAS visiting teachers and students

Saturday: No more One Minute English centre at village cafe - all our items shifted today to "M.R" too expensive (Y500 per month for just one floor), "M.R" Y400 per month for whole building (2 floors, each with 2 sections). Thank you HK Rosa, Florence, Paddy, Mr Tien and other helpers for all your help....a big operation. Thank you cafe managers Mr & Mrs Tai for letting us rent upper floor for the past two years.
From now on all cafe evening classes will be at Joe's DV
Also Saturday - afternoon: CAS end of semester ceremony for secondary and kindergarten sections. Photos on school website. Wishing all students and staff a safe and happy holiday

Sunday: still more renovations at M.R + final visit to all poor areas + city hospital

Yesterday, Monday:  HK Rosa accompanied Joe to Guangjoe, I mean Guangzhou....where, thanks to kind HK benefactors, Joe will receive one more leg + one more arm....and then, DV....begin studying at a Guangzhou technical school.  Joe's father is continuing to live at M.R, as guard & cleaner. Local Rosa now based at M.R as secretary.
New teacher at M.R from today - Fanny (taking over from Maria who finishes on Wednesday)
Also yesterday: HK teachers Joanna & Louise arrived in Zhaoqing for work with the poor ...staying with HK Rosa

Middle East File has most important update from Guardian - essential reading: A U.S. comedian brings us closer to the truth than the BBC. Most of our journalists fail us

The lie that killed my son (Guardian July 8, 2004)
Lila Lipscomb believed in Bush's case for war in Iraq. But when her son died in action, her faith in the American way was shattered. Emma Brockes meets the Michigan mother at the heart of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11

So many new articles on MM's site ...rivetting stuff

Bruce Duncan re church didn't speak out enough against invasion of Iraq



I'm due to go Australia July 19. Due to be in Sydney July 27-29.
Gathering in Sydney =  6.00pm, Tuesday, July 27 at Hungry Jack's in Central Station main building (where long distance trains depart)
Gathering in Brisbane = noon, Saturday August 7, next to swimming pool on beach at Wynnum Central...b.y.o
Gathering on Gold Coast = 11.30am, Saturday Aug 14, McDonald's at Australia Fair, Southport 
Everyone interested in China most welcome at all gatherings!


Joanna (till 17th) & Louise (till 21st) due to come for work in poor areas


Group of HK teachers and students due to visit poor areas (16)


HK Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)

2004-07-31 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (...8am & 9am Mass at Notre Dame, Sunday Aug 22...) then Francis & I due to go to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year 
- overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Paul, Trevor


Course for local English teachers - in Xinqiao

2004-10  (c.5-c.15)

Visit to CAS by David & Donna F (Perth)

DV this time next week I'll be on Gold Coast in Australia, staying at my brother Peter's home ....not far from Mum's nursing home. Will try to check email each day.  Hope to take dear 93 year old Mum for daily walk in her wheel chair...have asked her to get chair oiled. When I mentioned this last Friday during weekly phone call, Mum remembered how I puffed on last year's walks, so she asked: "how about we get a wheel chair for you too?!"

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi  

Tuesday, July 6, 2004: Dear Friends

Good morning from Zhaoqing ....last week of the semester / of the school year....CAS primary students already on holidays....secondary and kindergarten break up this Saturday.  
Correction to last week's diary: last Tuesday was not 36, but 38 degrees.  Monday of last week was 40.
Today not so bad....after overnight rain

* Last Wednesday: Francis & I went with Jesunesan to Guangzhou (old) airport. Thank you again Jesunesan for spending so long in China.  (Guangzhou new airport opening this week?). 

*  Wednesday evening: final meal for overseas teachers.  Thank you Anne (left Saturday), Doris (left Friday), Gerard and Marilyn (left Saturday), Kerry (staying for Summer School) and Francis (continuing next semester) for coming to CAS. 
Wishing all departing teachers good health and every blessing for the future

* Last Thursday: Our little "school" for school-less children shifted to larger building - at Joe's. Two months ago 4 children, last month 16 children, last week 34 children, yesterday 43 children. From this week we are renting the other half of Joe's building, both floors, to have more space. A new temporary teacher, Maria, started yesterday.....joining Cherry, HK Florence, local Rosa. One of the happiest projects I have ever been involved with.   There are only 20,000,000 school-less children in China so I guess that's our upper limit

* Last Thursday night: party for Go Abroad students & overseas staff - thank you Oliver

* Last Saturday afternoon: CAS primary school end of semester ceremony in gym. Photos on school website

* Last Saturday/Sunday: visit to Zhaoqing by HK limb specialist Ken,  so pleased to see Joe able to stand on his new leg.  Joe returned home yesterday ( find he now has 80 other legs in his home...).....Ken hoping to help Joe go to Guanzhou for fitting of one more leg + one arm....and maybe to study in Guangzhou.   Thank you again to all dear HK friends who are making Joe's rehabilitation possible

* Every day of the past week there have been new cases of sick adults and sick children for HK Rosa to help. 
One involved a mother who had home birth (very common for poor people here, can't afford hospital), but in the process developed an infection

+ I've really enjoyed updates from Michael Moore's site.  F9/11 breaking all records. MM on cover of TIME



I'm due to go to HK, then to Australia July 19. Due to be in Sydney July 27-29.
Gathering in Sydney =  6.00pm, Tuesday, July 27 at Hungry Jack's in Central Station main building (where long distance trains depart)
Gathering in Brisbane = noon, Saturday August 7, next to swimming pool on beach at Wynnum Central...b.y.o
Gathering on Gold Coast = 11.30am, Saturday Aug 14, McDonald's at Australia Fair, Southport 
Everyone interested in China most welcome at all gatherings!


Joanna (till 17th) & Louise (till 21st) due to come for work in poor areas


Group of HK teachers and students due to visit poor areas (16)


HK Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)

2004-07-31 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (...8am & 9am Mass at Notre Dame, Sunday Aug 22...) then to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year 
- overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Paul, Trevor


Course for local English teachers - in Xinqiao

2004-10  (c.5-c.15)

Visit to CAS by David & Donna F (Perth)

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi  

Please note: I'm due to be in Hong Kong, staying at Notre Dame College (852) 27157263, July 12-18.  Then to Australia DV July 19-August 21, staying at my brother Peter's home on the Gold Coast...will try to check email each day

Tuesday, June 29, 2004: Dear Friends

Happy Feastday to all Peters & Pauls....from a 36 degree Zhaoqing....where Anne, Doris, Francis, Gerard, Marilyn and I have final classes tomorrow, with Kerry continuing for another week or so in Kindergarten.
Doris is due to leave Friday, Anne on Saturday, Gerard & Marilyn on Sunday, Francis & I on July 11.
Has been one of the fastest semesters I've ever known

The past week:

* Last Wednesday: HK Rosa to HK for meeting; after visit to Area F, Francis, Jesunesan & I joined Florence for  meal with Joe & his father in their home.  Joe now going daily to rehabilitation centre not far from CAS for fitting of limb(s)

* Last Thursday: Francis and Jesunesan joined tour to Beijing (returned last night, Monday...most impressed with historical sites and economic development of the city)

* Last Saturday: HK Rosa back from HK ....straight to work seeing a queue of sick people waiting her attention

* Last Sunday: Florence and I went on CAS promotion to Luoding, then afternoon Bingo at Joe's + cake shop on way back to CAS.  Florence, local Rosa and Cherry now have some 20 children at centre for school-less children, hoping to move to Joe's next week

* Yesterday, Monday: Visit to poor areas by some 23 Hong Kong University (HKU) medical students, arranged by Maggie & HK Rosa who met only two weeks ago at dinner for Larry (...amazing how one experience leads to another...).  The HKU students arrived in our district at noon and were due to leave at 2.30pm, but were so moved to help the poor people they stayed until 5.40pm!  God bless 'em 

+ On a lighter note (thank you Colleen!):

THE PHAOMNNEAL PWEOR OF THE HMUAN MNID. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig !

+ Latest photos from Gerard's website

+ A certain movie is setting USA alight, .... maybe a defining moment in US and world history



I'm due to go to HK, then to Australia July 19. Due to be in Sydney July 27-29.
Date for gathering in Sydney =  Wednesday, July 28 (venue & time?)
Date for gathering in Brisbane = lunchtime, Saturday August 7  (venue?))
Date for gathering on Gold Coast = ?


Joanna (till 17th) & Louise (till 21st) due to come for work in poor areas


Group of HK teachers and students due to visit poor areas (16)


HK Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor

2004-07-31 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor (15)


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (...8am & 9am Mass at Notre Dame, Sunday Aug 22...)then to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year 
- overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Paul, Trevor

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi  

Please note: I'm due to be in Hong Kong, staying at Notre Dame College (852) 27157263, July 11-18.  Then to Australia DV July 19-August 21, staying at my brother Peter's home on the Gold Coast...will try to check email each day

Tuesday, June 22, 2004: Dear Friends

Good evening from problems today...  Has been very hot, sticky and wet here....daily storms, some of them "beauties".  A holiday in HK today for the Dragon Boat Festival. 
CAS and all schools in this part of the world now in final stage of the semester, final stage of the school year.....students have one eye on exams around the corner, and one eye on holidays next month.  Senior 3 have already gone. Anne, Doris, Gerard & Marilyn in their last week or so....where has the semester gone?!  May the Good Lord help all exam students in a special way at this time

The past week:

* Last Saturday: Francis, Kerry & I went on CAS promotion to Jinli

* Last Sunday: Francis & I went to Guangzhou  to welcome Jesunesan o.m.i.

* Yesterday, Monday: HK visitors Mr & Mrs Ho + Luc o.m.i. arrived for overnight stay.....+  visit to Ng Chuen Primary School with HK Rosa, Francis, Jesunesan, Gerard and Marilyn

* This morning, Tuesday: o.m.i. visit to school-less children class at our village cafe, where HK volunteer Florence and local Rosa have been joined, since last Wednesday, by full-time teacher Cherry

* OMI's then visited poor Area B and Area C

* Also today - Good News: HK Rosa accompanied Joe  to a Zhaoqing  hospital for fitting of one new limb, paid for by HK tycoon Mr Lee Kar Shing (...a new program for physically handicapped people in Guangdong Province....excellent timing!).  HK Rosa also recently discovered that a local man, a labourer,  has the gift of re-setting bones.....Rosa and I watched him help a 4 year old boy last Friday night....boy had dislocated his left elbow in a fall.....verified by village hospital x-ray....doctors said "Go to city hospital, we can't fix"....but Rosa's policy is "If you can't pay for them, pray for them" ...which is what your man did...using Taoist prayers and ritual before successfully re-setting the bones (and very professionally putting elbow in splint)

+ Latest photos from Gerard's website


2004-06-20 (to June 30)

Jesunesan omi due to visit Zhaoqing & Beijing


Visit to poor areas by HK medical students

2004-07-07 (to July 17)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas


I'm due to go to HK (then to Australia July 19)
Date for gathering in Sydney =  ?
Date for gathering in Brisbane = Saturday August 7  (venue?)
Date for gathering on Gold Coast = ?


Joanna (till 17th) & Louise (till 21st) due to come for work in poor areas


Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor

2004-07-26 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (...8am & 9am Mass at Notre Dame, Sunday Aug 22...)then to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year - overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Trevor

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Tuesday, June 15, 2004: Dear Friends

Hello from Zhaoqing on a very hot and sticky day....maybe a storm this afternoon?  I'm just back from local hospital where HK visitors Maggie, Rosa & Susie had meeting with superintendent - and visited this past week's very special new baby.  Other events of the past week:

* Last Tuesday, HK volunteer Florence arrived and is working with local Rosa at our mushrooming centre for school-less some 16 children....hopefully this week the older children will move to Joe's. Many thanks to kind HK friend who is sponsoring a full-time teacher, due to start work later this week

* Tuesday night HK Rosa, Florence & I visited Zhaoqing No. 1 hospital where one of our Area C poor people, Mr Lui, is recovering from accident in which his older brother died and his wife and cousin were also injured. The four were passengers in back of a "walking tractor" which overturned at corner near CAS golf range on Monday afternoon.  I now know that Zhaoqing No. 1 hospital treats road accident victims free - God bless the hospital!

* Last Wednesday HK Rosa went to yet another hospital - Gao Yao (in Zhaoqing, opposite Children's Park) where, thanks to intro by principal of Deaf School (visited last week), a team of doctors did operation on baby from Area B....and confirmed that Area C baby is only "afraid of light", not blind as first suspected. DG!

* Last Friday: Happy Birthday Doris!  Her senior students really enjoyed a birthday cake class 

* Last Saturday morning: CAS kindergarten open day. Well done Anne on your two special classes

* Later on Sat morning: English Corner for CAS Junior 2(B) (+ class for Junior 2(A) in afternoon

* Early Sat evening: CAS primary 2 meal at KFC, followed by visit to 2 hour old baby (above).
What a day: kindergarten, secondary, primary, nursery! (with good news at night on internet of great win that evening by mighty Lions against Essendon!)

* Sunday: Meal to celebrate sacerdotal Golden Jubilee for Zhaoqing University teacher Larry. Ad Multos Annos!  ..... and thank you Larry's fellow teachers Lisa, Maggie & Penny for visiting poor areas after the meal

+ Latest photos from Gerard's website (Gerard still giving Go Abroad students many extra classes)

+ In local village bread shop: Australian butter from Warnambool!



HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas

2004-06-20 (to June 30)

Jesunesan omi due to visit Zhaoqing & Beijing


Luc omi + Mr & Mrs Ho due for overnight visit

2004-07-07 (to July 17)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas


I'm due to go to HK (then to Australia July 19)
Date for gathering in Sydney =  ?
Date for gathering in Brisbane = Saturday August 7  (venue?)
Date for gathering on Gold Coast = ?


Joanna (till 17th) & Louise (till 21st) due to come for work in poor areas


Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor

2004-07-26 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (then to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year - overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Trevor

Remember that story about Murdoch out to render BBC impotent? ... Check this from today's Guardian

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Tuesday, June 8, 2004: Dear Friends

Mid-morning hello from a sunny and warm Zhaoqing. Past week has gone something this:

* Last Tuesday - International Children's Day - went to town in afternoon for school concert at Good World Shopping Centre....and was amazed at number of children and parents in the city....children dressed up as for First Communion....went past a KFC that had more children than chickens. Children's Day a great celebration in China.  Really impressive

* Last Friday saw the end of oral English classes in our primary section for this semester. From this week Frances, Kerry and Marilyn will be giving a hand in secondary 

* Friday afternoon:  party for the Go Abroads, to farwell Cathy, Les and Sony who have finished their studies. Photos on Gerard's website.  Gerard now extra busy with special  IELTS classes for remaining Go Abroads

* Saturday: Anne & Doris enjoyed overnight visit to Zhu Hai (next to Macau)

* Saturday morning:  CAS promotion at Nam On Kindergarten in Gao Yao.  

* Saturday afternoon: visit by 7 HK teachers, 6 returned to HK on Sunday afternoon, one stayed till Monday.
Thank you Theresa, Catherine, Cecilia, Philip, Mr & Mrs Ho and Debbie for a memorable weekend (a large part of it given to visiting sick and disadvantaged children)

* Last night: meal at home of Tien families in poor area C

 Spot the difference:

 ABC internet news June 4 
The 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre has passed in China with hardly a sign that it ever happened.
On June 4 1989, Chinese troops killed hundreds, possibly thousands of citizens around the Beijing landmark square to end a mass pro-democracy protest.

James Miles of BBC - second thoughts

+  Recently watched Bowling for Columbine - powerful!

+ Updated China Education News ( HK Uni)

+ Church File has some new links at top



HK Florence due to come for work in poor areas


HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas

2004-06-20 (to June 30)

Jesunesan omi due to visit Zhaoqing & Beijing

2004-07-07 (to July 17)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas


I'm due to go to HK (then to Australia July 19)
Date for gathering on Gold Coast = ?
Date for gathering in Brisbane = Saturday August 7


Joanna (till 17th) & Louise (till 21st) due to come for work in poor areas


Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor

2004-07-26 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (then to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year - overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Jo, JW,  Liam, Trevor

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Tuesday, June 1, 2004: Dear Friends

Good morning from Zhaoqing on International Children's Day (a holiday for local primary schools, but not CAS). I have a feeling that today is going to be one of those days you can write a book about.

Chapter 1: after early morning reading, walk, Breaking of Break & breakfast (with Francis, HK Rosa & HK visitors Daphne & Grace) I received phone call from a kind factory owner (met him on train to HK last month; he's originally from Taiwan, is now a Canadian citizen) today back in Zhaoqing and has been faithful to his promise to offer jobs to some poor people....will come to CAS at 2pm

Chapter 2: Our breakfast group was in a happy mood, reflecting on fact that 3 new school-less children came to our local cafe yesterday for their very first day of school.  No sooner had group gone than local Rosa phoned to say that cafe owner was refusing to open the cafe!  He hadn't got to bed till 2am and was not amused by children bashing on his iron security gate from 8am....keen to start 9am class!!  Children have now been asked/begged not to arrive before 9am.   (Maybe someday we'll have a chance to look after the running of  G/F for a few more people?!)

Chapter 3: past half hour of phone calls re school jobs + good news re schedule of group of HK friends coming this weekend June 5-6 to visit the poor

Many games of "Bingo" over the past week - each week night at cafe (includes Friday photo of overseas staff) and at Joe's last Sunday

Surprise visitors last Friday: Carol from Melbourne & local friend Nina

CAS Open Day last Saturday for Secondary classes (have to say I was surprised by excellent behaviour of students not just in our English classes but during all activities on the day)

Pentecost Sunday spent with HK friends  and HK Rosa visiting the poor....a very happy day (...and getting news from Brisbane that  mighty Lions had courageous win over Demons! could "Demons" expect to win on such a feastday?!)

Latest photos on Gerard's website

New photo of our local market

New article about Matteo Ricci who lived in Zhaoiqng 1583-1589

New movie - The day after tomorrow (Sydney Opera House as you hope you'll never see it)

June 4 this Friday - what really did happen in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989?

Overseas teachers enjoying CAS Olympic pool these still very very hot and sticky and stormy....30 degrees at 6am....



HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas


HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas

2004-06-20 (to June 30)

Jesunesan omi due to visit Zhaoqing & Beijing

2004-07-07 (to July 17)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas


I'm due to go to HK (then to Australia July 19)


Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor

2004-07-26 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (then to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year - overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Josie, JW,  Liam

Wishing everyone a happy month of June.  Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Tuesday, May 25, 2004: Dear Friends

Good morning from CAS in Zhaoqing....our school could well be re-named Bird Life Park lately - so many birds chirping at dawn and during day.  As Marilyn said at end of last week: "When I woke up this morning and heard so many birds I thought I was in Australia".  Just need a kookaburra to complete the choir. Weather still hot and sticky.... we are unable to have a cold shower during the day (..cold water in pipes is boiling!). On the other hand, school's Olympic swimming pool is now open 6-10pm school days, 8am-noon & 2-10pm on non-school days

Last Friday night HK Rosa returned after R&R in Hong Kong - and is daily swamped with requests from poor people for help - to see doctor, to have therapy for illnesses, to find accommodation etc. Yesterday Rosa went with one family to Guangzhou to arrange for a hospital stay and operation for a most needy baby. Local Rosa continues to look after our day classes (9-noon; 2.30-5pm) for school-less children.
New prayer target: something for the jobless men (dozens of arrivals from Guizhou....spending their day playing cards....gradually becoming unemployable)

Last Friday morning (May 21)  Francis & I celebrated feast of St Eugene de Mazenod (died 21-5-1861 on Pentecost Sunday)

Last Saturday night Francis, Rosa and I went to the nearby Science & Technology College for an English party. Same night Gerard, Marilyn & Kerry paid overnight visit to  Xiqiao - photos on Gerard's website (including photo of China's biggest Big Buddha....a twin of HK's Big Buddha (photo 12)... reminding me tomorrow is Buddha's Birthday, a holiday in HK....God bless all Buddhist friends...

On Sunday Francis and I went to Dinghu for a CAS promotion, then to Joe's in the afternoon for Bingo with the village children

Yesterday I paid a second visit to the village of Ng Chuen for English with Primary Six, and last night began the final week of classes for this semester at our One Minute English Cafe. Final classes = Bingo!

True story: nearby HK-owned clothing factory has 800 workers. Until recently they worked for 13 hours per day (8am-noon; 1.30-5.30; 6.30-11.30). Now they work only 10 hours per day (finish at 8.30pm instead of 11.30pm)....because....US & Australian buyers lobbied company to show more compassion to the workers and let them have some evening time for their families.  God bless all such lobbyists....

Also true: the origin of Mother's Day:
Before the (USA) Civil War started, the territory that was to become West Virginia was part of Virginia, a Confederate state. By the time the war ended, West Virginia had become its own state and was part of the Union. Thus, the soldiers who returned home to West Virginia at the end of the war were from both sides, and there was hostility and tension, as you would expect. They had been killing each other on the battlefield, and then they returned home to the same state.

Anna Jarvis, who lost four of her children in the Civil War, organized a Mother's Friendship Day in West Virginia to bring peacefully together soldiers and neighbors of all political beliefs from both sides. It was a success.

Julia Ward Howe, who had written the words to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," learned of Mrs. Jarvis' efforts and worked to get formal recognition of a national Mother's Day for Peace. She had seen up close the results of the war her song glorified: maimed soldiers, disease, widows and orphans. She was determined that women would join together to celebrate a day dedicated to the end of all war. It would be a day that women, mothers especially, would dedicate themselves to carrying out the kind of reconciliation that Anna Jarvis promoted and made happen in West Virginia, where enemies came together, were reconciled and learned to love one another.

Those are the beginnings of the Mother's Day . Full text of this document

Lies about crimes - Guardian editorial May 21



HK friends due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas


HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas

2004-06-20 (to June 30)

Jesunesan omi due to visit Zhaoqing & Beijing

2004-07-07 (to July 17)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas


I'm due to go to HK (then to Australia July 19)


Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor

2004-07-26 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (then to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year - overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Josie, JW,  Liam

Bush's super fundraisers join the queue for favours (Observer)

The evil of naming of people evil (NCR - USA)

Michael Moore's latest letter

Wishing everyone a Happy Pentecost this Sunday. Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Tuesday, May 18, 2004: Dear Friends

Good morning from Zhaoqing ....where there have been storms most days in the past week...some days more than one storm (just like Brisbane: sunshine-storm-sunshine-storm).  The cicadas, chickens, goats and other small game are a bit confused as to when one day is finished and another is starting. But with the rain have come one of nature's local delights (also in HK at this time): the most beautiful Blue Birds / Kingfishers which patrol the streams at the base of Bei Ling Mountain

Last Thursday Marilyn took part in an overnight educational conference in Guangzhou....this year's version of the one Kieran attended last year in Guiyan

Last Saturday I had privilege of visiting nearby Technical & Science College ....and on Sunday the happiness of meeting yet another new group of friends through a CAS promotion at Dung Nga Yuen in Zhaoqing

Also on Sunday, Gerard, Marilyn and Anne went with Oliver to a promotion in Sanshui. Photos on Gerard's website

Village evening classes will finish at end of this month....last week or two seeing an outbreak of Bingo 
(which, thanks to Francis, I now know is/was called Tombola in some parts of the world....which explains a mystery I've often thought about: why is Bingo called "Dam-bol-a" in Cantonese?!)

CAS recently made another donation of items for poor people in the local area. This time: more than 200 old books from the library. Thank you!

Last week I forgot to mention something seen in HK two weeks ago: a high-tech IT scarecrow! (the last photo)

Last week I also forget to mention inspiring article re Sonia Ganhi (author's wish came true!). Which reminds me: Go-Abroad & other secondary classes now watching Sir Richard Attenborough's Gandhi, one of the most powerful movies I have ever seen

Looking forward to another movie: Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11' (+ see MM's website

Day time classes for school-less children are continuing at our village cafe....looking forward to the Summer holidays & next semester when more volunteers from HK will be working with the poor in Zhaoqing. Same poor have had quite a battle lately with leaking roofs + muddy pathways

So many poor can we help? ...where can we start?  Start with a cup of coffee! (Guardian)



HK friends due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas


HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas

2004-06-20 (to June 30)

Jesunesan omi due to visit Zhaoqing, Shanghai & Beijing

2004-07-07 (to July 17)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing poor areas


I'm due to go to HK (then to Australia July 19)


Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor

2004-07-26 (to August 5)

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (then to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year - overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Josie, JW,  Liam

Happy 84th Birthday today JP2.....and congratulations Dan and niece Natalie for wedding this Saturday May 22 on the Gold Coast!

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Tuesday, May 11, 2004: Dear Friends

Good morning from a very hot and humid Zhaoqing. This semester's race is downhill now as students start preparing for exams at end of June. Last week's Labour Day holiday break (May 1-7) now seems like only a memory.  Gerard's website has photos of visit to Guilin by one group of local and overseas teachers

Welcome to a new overseas teacher - Kerry, from Ballarat in Australia.  Kerry now working in primary school with Marilyn and Francis...following a divide and conquer system: Francis has the girls, Marilyn and Kerry each has a group of boys (...girls in each class = about one third of the class...).  Same system in lower secondary: Doris has girls, I have the boys....while Gerard has the Senior Go-Abroads.  Not forgetting Anne who has now graduated to kindergarten......or HK Rosa who yesterday went back to HK for a well-earned rest

Last Sunday: Anne foiled two attempts by a couple of young boys (not CAS students!) to rob her when she went shopping in town 

Today is another important day in Chinese history. Matteo Ricci died on this day in 1610 in Beijing. His tomb in Beijing is now a tourist centre. He lived here in Zhaoqing from about 1583 to 1589

Last Wednesday afternoon while Francis and I were on retreat on Cheung Chau Island in Hong Kong, a group of HK teachers  came to the island  to discuss plans for helping the poor in Zhaoqing. Thank you!

Last Thursday afternoon saw the official opening of Hong Kong's very first "through/dragon" school: Tung Chung Catholic School, a beautiful primary-secondary complex (something like CAS!) of which Luc omi is the supervisor.  Many photos in newspapers the next day

Also in all papers the same day: inspiring quote from Chinese Premier (in Europe for meetings):
South China Morning Post    May 7, 2004:
Premier Wen Jiabao said one of his dreams was to provide jobs, health care and education for the nation's poorest people.
"I have dreams and wishes. I hope every Chinese can have a good life, every peasant child can go to school  and every person reaching working age can have a job.
And I wish people wouldn't have to worry about medical care if they are sick, particularly those in rural areas"
One idea: put a tax on cigarettes and alcohol to help fund public health care

To give an idea of the task facing Mr Wen: Guardian article May 9 re the grim situation of workers in China 



I'm due to go to HK (then to Australia July 19)


Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor

2004-07-26 to August 5

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (then to Zhaoqing August 26)


Start of new school year - overseas staff: Francis, Gary, Josie, JW, Kerry, Kym, Liam

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

Tuesday, May 4, 2004: Dear Friends

Hello from Cheung Chau Island in Hong Kong where Francis and I are attending the annual OMI retreat. Actually Francis is not really attending the retreat...he's leading it! the beautiful Xavier centre overlooking the ocean

Today an historic day in China: May The Fourth Movement (to protest unfair treatment of China at Versailles after World War I ) at Beijing University (on anniversary of university's foundation  1898-04-05)....after which young Chinese went to Europe to study Marxism as a way of modernising China and protecting it from Powers (Europe/US/Japan) that wanted to carve it up or invade it.  If China had been treated fairly, Marxism may never have been established in China

Speaking of protests, report of an OMI often in prison for protesting about Weapons of Mass Destruction (= nuclear warheads) in ground in USA

Not forgetting numbed sighs of disappointment and frustration  by Steve (two weeks ago) and Rosemary (last Tuesday) at loss of money involved in low airfare refund received by school......a reminder to overseas people thinking of teaching in China (especially for only one semester): you will probably not get back what you outlay (...unless  there is improvement in present salary scale and conditions...)

Anyhow....after a final bowl of porridge (her staple diet for the past few months) Rosemary left CAS last Wednesday, very sad to say goodbye to  her students in kindergarten (whose English she had done so much to advance).  Hope you can come back some day, Rosemary!

On Wednesday afternoon: welcome (back) Nancy & Fernande, a timely visit indeed to support task of obtaining a residence permit and multiple entry work visa for Francis.  Last week the school said it was told by the Security Branch that Francis' application could not be processed (= he would have to leave China) "because visas are not issued to people with Sri Lankan passports".  After the Breaking of Bread on Thursday morning, emotionally led by Francis (at the thought of his imminent expulsion), I decided, at Nancy's urging, to go myself to the Security Branch to check indeed if "nothing could be done".
Accompanied by Nancy and Fernande, I saw the Branch's senior officer who said "there's no problem....just go to desk and apply"....which resulted in a residence permit and multiple entry one year visa in Francis' hands the next afternoon DG!
What made the difference I'm still not sure: Nancy's persuasiveness? Prayers (of Francis,  Fernande and others far and near)? Some last minute lobbying by the school?  A combination of all of these?

On Saturday Francis & I took train to HK....for Masses at Notre Dame on Sat night and Sunday.  Sunday morning we went to the Oblate Primary School to visit Stan (who is too ill to attend the retreat)....and on Sunday night we arrived in Cheung Chau....due to return to Zhaoqing Friday night (myself) and Saturday night (Francis)

Sunday to today: CAS overseas teachers + local teachers due to go to soon on Gerard's website

Happy (93rd) birthday on Saturday May 8, dear Mum....and happy Mother's Day to you and all dear Mum's on Sunday May 9!

Thank you HK Rosa and Zhaoqing Rosa for minding the fort this week!



I'm due to go to HK (then to Australia July 19)


Tung Chung Youth Group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor

2004-07-26 to August 5

HK teachers' group due to visit Zhaoqing for work with the poor


I'm due to return to HK from Australia (then to Zhaoqing August 26)

Pro-Iraq-invasion Murdoch press is on the back foot....notice how quickly the latest Iraq stories are removed from their papers/websites  front/index pages and buried "inside"....e.g. yesterday's (May 3)  top story in Guardian is about mis-treatment of Iraqi prisoners by US & British troops...but Murdoch's
has filled its index page with local stories and buried Iraq inside  

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W omi

(last Sat night: was able to listen to Lions vs St. Kilda....what a game!

Diary     January-February-March-April  2004