2003-12-19 CAS main principal Mr Ma and team's special visit to City of Deqing (c.1 hour away) for ceremony to mark beginning of sister-school arrangement (in Chinese brother-school) between CAS and Deqing Yue Sheng Middle School (which has 8 classes of Junior One, each with 60 students; 8 classes of Junior Two, each with 50+ students; 7 classes of Junior 3, each with 50+ students.
Starting next semester, there will be an exchange of staff between the two schools.....I for one looking forward to the opportunity to work once every week or two in such an economically poor school.
Deqing, population 30,000, has only the one middle school (= next 3 years after 6 years of primary).
Local mayor, party officials and many other guests were at the ceremony.
Mr Ma's team included CAS secondary principal Mr Xie, teachers,office staff ...+ Rosemary (from New Zealand, due to work at CAS next semester) and myself....and we last two were the first foreigners ever to visit the school in its 50-year history...and ...as has often been the case in so many places...the first foreigners the locals have ever met....a great  honor for us.      CAS keeps "opening doors"....
Photos include site of proposed new middle school....won't be ready for another year at least...and when the Middle School moves, its present buildings will be used to allow the nearby primary school to expand.
Also photos of visit to famous Dragon Mother Temple
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2003-12-19yuecheng10.JPG (40220 bytes)2003-12-19yuecheng19.JPG (76318 bytes)       Previous Deqing photos