2004-02-06  Evening Meal at One Minute English Cafe - welcome (back):
back row from left:  Rosa (HK), Amy (Aust), Garth (Aust), Anne (Wales), Rosemary (New Zealand - Australia)
front row from left: Steve, Gerald, Marilyn, Doris (all from Australia)
and....Happy Birthday today Anne!
2004-02-06staff01.JPG (70167 bytes)2004-02-06staff02.JPG (71069 bytes)

2004-02-08  Happy Birthday Gerard! (new face: Angel, from Zhaoqing)
2004-02-08gerard01.JPG (67713 bytes)2004-02-08gerard02.JPG (62098 bytes)

Same night: lovely moon over CAS water tower, foreshadowing sunshine & end of rain tomorrow

2004-02-09 Another big day for Gerard: computer mix-up of room names gave him an extra wife...on same days as  his room got an extra bed (= sofa) +  a  pay rise on same day
 (for taking "Go Abroad" class...or to pay for extra wife?!...)
2004-02-09gerard.JPG (57456 bytes)

Flashback to 2004-01-29:  Sorry & thank you Garth & Steve
 for many long and dirty hours spent cleaning  two certain rooms
2004-01-29mess01.JPG (70636 bytes)
What a contrast to previous semester when Jock & Hazel, Iona, Jade & David all  left their rooms so clean. I still remember the last thing Hazel did as she left to go to the train station: she ever so thoughtfully/thoroughly mopped the floor....