2006-01-17 CAS neighbours Mr & Mrs Li  in Duangzhou Hospital after Mr Li's hernia operation.
They & their two children, one a Ricci student, live on side of hill above CAS
2006-01-17hosp.JPG (46897 bytes)

2006-01-18  C.A.S students in their home room using the Hong Kong Government Learn Enlish site.
Class in last three photos due to have computers in their home room next semester

2006-01-18cas01.JPG (72781 bytes)
2006-01-18cas02.JPG (75059 bytes)2006-01-18cas03.JPG (74108 bytes)2006-01-18cas06.JPG (80254 bytes)2006-01-18cas07.JPG (69047 bytes)