Mr Wu's medical policy for dear friends from Guizhou, Henan & other provinces

As you know, there are kind people in Hong Kong and overseas who  help you  pay the doctors and the hospital 

Please note the following points:

* This help is available only for  recently arrived migrant worker families - not for local people or people who have been in Zhaoqing a long time

* To receive this help, you must first contact either Miss Chan or Doctor Sung in San Mao.  If you go to any other doctor or go directly to hospital without  first seeing  Miss Chan or Dr Sung, I cannot help you

* If Miss Chan or Dr Sung recommends you go to hospital, I will try to pay 50% of your hospital costs for at least the first few days

* Please understand our money is very limited. It cannot be used for unnecessary hospital visits/tests

* If you go to Dr Sung, I will pay 50% of your first visit, with help for subsequent visits to be negotiated.  Before you go to Dr Sung, contact Miss Chan or me so that we can give your name to Dr Sung. If we have not given your name to Dr Sung, Dr Sung will charge you 100%.   Dr Sung will charge you 50% only if we have given him your name

* Many illnesses are caused by carelessness and lack of hygiene.  Please make sure to wash hands with soap after toilet and before eating. Please stop using pork oil for cooking. Please stop smoking in your home and near children and pregnant mothers. Please avoid excessive alcohol

Dear God, please help us take better care of our health!

Mr Wu:        1303 0213 703      2903261












  13030213703   2903261


Doctor Sung's clinic in San Mao
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