2007-06-15   Friday

Good timing....HK/USA  Fr David omi at CAS for 3 classes of oral English
with Senior One B, Junior Two D and Senior One D
....right at the very hour his home team of
 the San Antonio Spurs were playing the Cleveland Cavaliers in the NBA Championship Final
....something that CAS students had been keenly following....a perfect topic

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Welcome students of Macau Ricci Secondary School & teachers Clara, Daisy and Irene.
 After arrival yesterday afternoon,
 the group had activities for students at Ricci School.
 Today  they had activities for children at Marco Polo Center (am) and Mazenod Center (a'noon)
....and lunch with teachers from the various centers (+ Fr David)
.....where everyone wished Assisi Center teacher Mandy and Macau student Carmen
a Happy Birthday!

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Then in evening....joining HK Rosa H & Fr David to celebrate the Spurs victory
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