Media reports on our work for the poor 

2011  Baidu linked articles

2008-09-10  Shenzhen Daily   (taken from Guangzhou Daily, below, 2008-09-09...some items not quite accurate)

2008-09-09 Guangzhou Daily report

2008-07- Guangzhou TV report.... in series on "volunteers" 

2007-11-19  Zhaoqing Xijiang Newspaper report on fatal traffic accident near railway station  (+ JW's report)

2007-05-24 Zhaoqing Xijiang Newspaper report on English classes at Ricci Memorial Center

2007-04-19 Zhaoqing TV report on English classes at  Ricci Memorial Center   

+ various newspaper reports in past months....have not kept record of them...

2006-11-27,28  News report on Guangzhou Southern TV of a happy day at Marco Polo Center

2006-04-17 Zhaoqing TV news report re Simone   (+ Zhaoqing Xijian newspaper report)

2006-04-05 Zhaoqing TV news report on Assisi Center Liu family at West River Hospital 

2005-09-15,16,17 Hunan T.V.      (with video)

2005-06-06 Today's Zhaoqing Xijiang newspaper

2005-06 Xijiang Pictorial Magazine (Zhaoqing)

2005-04-06 (or 07) HK ATV News had interview with Chinese Premier Wan Jiao Bo who said (1) there's an Australian in China who uses his own money to help the poor, (2) the Australian has the Premier's words on his name card (see name card at bottom of this link), and (3) the Australian "wants to see me"  (....all 3 points are in 2005-03-23 China Youth Daily article below)

2005-02-21  People's Daily Online

2005-03-23 China Youth Daily article

2005-03-01, 02 Two night coverage in news of Guangzhou Southern T.V (programs repeated the following weekend)

2005-02-19 Ricci Centre article on front page of Guangzhou Yangcheng Evening News

2004-07-07 HK "Ming Pao" re work for poor by Mr Wu and helpers

1994 The Story of Anna (newspaper report at bottom of page)