2005-02-02 Final meal for Francis, due to leave CAS/Zhaoqing tomorrow for Hong Kong.  Very complicated visa situation etc has resulted in Francis leaving CAS.  Thank you Francis for the past year of friendship and support. Our team here in Zhaoqing wishes you every blessing for the future, especially good health and safe travelling.   God bless you always!

2005-02-02francis.JPG (45238 bytes)

For the record, Francis is

* the first Sri Lankan to work as a teacher in Zhaoqing, possibly one of the first to work as a teacher in China

* the first Sri Lankan sacerdos/OMI,  possibly the first Sri Lankan, to visit (and Break Bread at) Shangchuan Island

* the first Sri Lankan to give the annual OMI retreat in Hong Kong

* the first (Sri Lankan) OMI to receive a letter addressed like this