2006-03-07,08  Evening meal at Xavier Center for some 60 adults and children from Henan
.....who rarely have rice (can't afford it.......) they just live on noodles and bread
...but tonight had all  the rice they could eat (cooked at Mazenod Center)

2006-03-07xavier01.JPG (51097 bytes)2006-03-07xavier02.JPG (76005 bytes)2006-03-07xavier03.JPG (56173 bytes)2006-03-07xavier04.JPG (80146 bytes)2006-03-07xavier05.JPG (76392 bytes)2006-03-07xavier06.JPG (82054 bytes)
2006-03-07xavier07.JPG (78953 bytes)2006-03-07xavier08.JPG (66334 bytes)2006-03-07xavier10.JPG (78968 bytes)2006-03-07xavier09.JPG (74827 bytes)2006-03-07xavier11.JPG (76562 bytes)

And morning playgroup at same Xavier Center -with teacher Miss Zhou
2006-03-08xavier01.JPG (73909 bytes)
2006-03-08xavier02.JPG (76674 bytes)2006-03-08xavier03.JPG (78945 bytes)

Also: morning playgroup at Mazenod Center with teacher Miss Wong
2006-03-08maz01.JPG (79006 bytes)2006-03-08maz02.JPG (80161 bytes)

Previous Xavier & Mazenod photos